How to watch Digiturk from outside Turkey?

Are you currently located outside Turkey? Have you just tried to watch Digiturk Play only to find out that you are not able to watch the programs available there because you are located outside Turkey? Did you know that there is a solution?

Digiturk from abroad

Digiturk uses something we know of as a geo-block to make sure that viewers outside of Turkey will not be able to watch the programs. This is due to copyright rules, because they are only allowed to broadcast their programs to people located inside of Turkey. So, what can you do if you are located on a beach in Palermo or enjoying a holiday in the beautiful city of Paris? After all you do not want to miss out on your favorite programs on Digiturk Play!

[stextbox id=”info”]You can use the following instructions not only for watching Digiturk from abroad, but you can also use it to watch Tivibu, D-Smart and Teledunya if they have programs available online only available to people located in Turkey.[/stextbox]

Watch Digiturk Play from abroad

To watch Digiturk from abroad you will need to get yourself a Turkish IP address. If you get a Turkish IP address Digiturk will believe that you are located in Turkey, and at once you will be able to watch Digiturk again, without getting error message or other problems. So, how can you and we get hold of a Turkish IP address so that we can watch Digiturk Play and the other TV channels mentioned earlier online?

The solution is to use the VPN services of HideMyAss, one of the best VPN providers of the market, and the VPN provider with the very best full refund policy, meaning that there is no risk at all in trying. Because if you sign up for the services of HideMyAss and find yourself not to be satisfied, you can complain within thirty days and get all your money back. So, just try it and see that it works great to watch Digiturk Play from outside Turkey.

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