How to use HideMyAss in Ubuntu (Linux)?

HideMyAss is one of the leading VPN tools and services available online. Most people use Windows or Apple and it is easy for such users to use HideMyAss. What about those who use Ubuntu? Here you will find instructions on how to use HideMyAss on your Ubuntu system.

This article is out of date. If you want to find a good VPN for Ubuntu and Linux Mint, take a look at the following article!

In the upper right corner of you Ubuntu installation you should see the Network connection option (you can also find it System Tools – Preferences – Networks Connections). Left click the icon and move the mouse cursor to the bottom of the list where you can find the VPN option. Select Configure VPN. You should then select “Add”. Give the connection a name, for example HideMyAss. The gateway should be the IP address of the server you want to connect to. You can find the IP address of the server on the HideMyAss VPN server list. Once there you will need to log in with your username and password and afterwards press the PPTP server option on the left side. On the given page you will find the username and password (notice that the password you need to use is different from your account password) and then you can copy the IP address of the server you want to connect to. Later press advanced and enable “use point to point encryption (mmpe)” and disable all other options (allow bsd data compression, allow deflate dat compression, use tcp header compresion).

Once this is done choose the IPv4 Settings. Choose the Automatic (VPN) addresses only option and add to the DNS server option (this is an open Google DNS server). Disable the “Available to all users” option.” Once this is done you can save the options. Press the network option again in the upper right corner, select VPN and choose the HideMyAss connection. If everything is added correctly you should be able to connect to the HideMyAss VPN.

HideMyAss in Ubuntu installation pictures

HideMyAss in Ubuntu
Add the gateway, username and password in the VPN section
how to setup hidemyass in Ubuntu
Your configuration should look like this
DNS options in Ubuntu for HideMyAss
This the IPv4 Settings should look like


If you by some reason can not manage to connect you can try to write a comment and we will do our best to come with advises. Make sure to use the correct password given on the PPTP page from HideMyAss. Check that the IP address added is correct, and visit the Google DNS Server site to see that the mentioned DNS server is still operable (if they change it, it will not work anymore).

Are you satisfied with HideMyAss? Visit the HideMyAss review and share your experience!

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