How can I watch DR online from outside Denmark?

DenmarkIf you want to watch DR (Danmarks Radio, now known as Danish Broadcasting Corporation) from outside Denmark you will need a Danish IP address. In this little guide you will get thorough information which will make you able to watch DR1, DR2, DR3 and on on from outside Denmark in a few minutes from now.

DR has a long tradition in the life of the Danes as the company was founded in 1925 and in the oldest electronic enterprise in the nation. The channel is quite similar to NRK in Norway and SVT in Sweden, so it is not only the languages the Scandinavian countries have in common.

On the day of the first TV program on DR in 1951 none would imagine that 60 years later everyone would watch the programs on their computer, but here we are and today you might be in need of a Danish IP address to watch DR online from outside Denmark. Well, lets get going!

If you try to watch DR from outside Denmark you get this error message
If you try to watch DR from outside Denmark you get this error message

Get hold of a Danish IP address

The reason why you can’t watch DR from outside Denmark is a so called geographical block. This block makes sure that only people located in Denmark can watch the live stream online. The way they find your location is by looking at your IP address. The solution is therefore to get hold of a Danish IP address. The best way to fix this is by getting hold of a Danish IP address, which you can easily do with one of the many VPN tools available online.

[stextbox id=”alert”]We have written several VPN tools reviews, so if you want to find out more about different VPN services, their prices, speeds and other specs, read the reviews.[/stextbox]

If we are to receommend one VPN service which is easy to use, easy to subscribe to and which will give you a Danish IP address in less than five minutes, HideMyAss is a great option. Make a subscription, download their program, start the program and connect to a server in Denmark. Restart your browser and as you open it again you surf the web with a Danish IP address and you should be able to watch all your favorite TV programs live on DR1, DR2, DR3 and so on.

Watch all these channels with a Danish IP address
Watch all these channels with a Danish IP address

Useful links:
DR live

3 thoughts on “How can I watch DR online from outside Denmark?

  1. Thomas Stein says:

    The article is a bit old, but HideMyAss still works with DR, meaning that you can watch all the FIFA World Cup 2018 matches on DR using this method. You can watch all other DR content as well, and you can also use HideMyAss to watch TV2 in Denmark, so go ahead and have fun!

    • Thomas Stein says:

      I am not sure if I understand your question. Can you please rephrase it maybe? This solution described here works for those located outside Denmark (abroad), but who want to watch the national Danish TV still from their present location (which is not really possible).

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